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Unique Barriers to COVID-19 Vaccine Access for Black Communities

  • Dorrit Walsh
On Wednesday, May 19, 2021,Treatment Action Group (TAG), Black AIDS Institute, (BAI), and the COVID Prevention Trials Network (CoVPN) will convene a virtual news conference and roundtable discussion to disseminate findings from a soon-to-be published report: Breaking Barriers: Surveying Community Perspectives on COVID-19 Vaccine Research.
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Image for the 2021 Community HIV Cure Research Workshop

Pre- and Post-CROI Community HIV Cure Research Workshop

  • Dorrit Walsh
The 2021 Community HIV Cure Research Workshop will take place virtually this year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The workshop sessions will be held on Thursday, March 4 and Friday, March 5, 2021 (right before CROI 2021), and then on Tuesday, March 16, 2021 (after the conference).
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Harnessing the COVID-19 Response Towards Hepatitis C Elimination

  • Dorrit Walsh
On February 3, 2021, TAG, Médecins du Monde, hepCoalition, and the UNITE network presented a virtual policy dialogue among policymakers, global civil society organizations, and community leaders who share how COVID-19 has impacted global hepatitis C virus (HCV) elimination efforts.
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Demanding a Higher Standard of TB Care

  • Dorrit Walsh
In these two webinars, Treatment Action Group (TAG) launched the two latest additions to our series of materials designed for community leaders, An Activist’s Guide to Treatment for Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis and An Activist’s Guide to Tuberculosis Diagnostic Tools.
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