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AIDS Research Highlights from the 35th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy (ICAAC)
September 1995
by Mark Harrington and Michael Marco with Spencer Cox and Tim Horn

From the Introduction

The 35th ICAAC was a more interesting conference than usual, with results from many important AIDS clinical trials being reported. Partly ICAAC benefitted from the lack of an international AIDS meeting in 1995, and partly perhaps from its location in San Francisco, a favorite junket site for physicians and activists alike. Spencer Cox, Mark Harrington, Tim Horn and Michael Marco attended the 35th ICAAC on behalf of TAG and we here summarize some of the more interesting new data reported there. Any errors of data transcription or interpretation are entirely ours and not to be blamed on the presenting investigator. ICAAC presentations have only the most pro forma of peer review, and hence some assertions made there may not end up being substantiated when data are recorded in the medical literature. As always, everything needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

To read the rest of the report, please download the pdf.

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