In October 2023, sixteen members of the global TB community developed a consensus statement on the inclusion of pregnant and breastfeeding women and persons in TB treatment and vaccines research. The community meeting where this consensus was developed was part of a broader convening hosted by the Supporting, Mobilizing, and Accelerating Research for Tuberculosis Elimination (SMART4TB) Consortium, the International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials (IMPAACT) Network, and the World Health Organization (WHO) Global TB Program in Washington, D.C.
The community consensus statement draws from the participants direct experiences with TB, including during pregnancy, and conversations with TB scientists and clinicians. The consensus statement provides a framework for ensuring that pregnant and breastfeeding women and persons are better served by TB research and can fully benefit from scientific advancements in the prevention and treatment of TB.

Participating Community Representatives
Busi Beko, TB Survivor Advocate, South Africa
Dr. Dimple Chudgar, Bolo Didi, India
Ani Herna Sari, Global TB CAB, Indonesia
Rosa Herrera, Global TB CAB, Mexico
Maria del Rosario (MaR) Leon Rhandomy, Community Research Advisors Group (CRAG), Peru
Maurine Murenga, TB Women Global, Kenya
Svitlana Moroz, Eurasian Women’s Network on AIDs (EWNA), Ukraine
Lillian Mworeko, International Community of Women Living with HIV (ICW) Global, Uganda
Nguyen Thi Dung (Kim), SCDI (Supporting Community Development Initiatives), APCASO Regional CAB, Vietnam
Carol Nawina, CITAM+, Afrocab Regional CAB, Zambia
Kate O’Brien, We Are TB, United States
Patricia Ochieng, Dandora Community AIDs Support Association (DACASA), Kenya
Phorng Chanthorn, KHANA (Khmer HIV/AIDS NGO Alliance), APCASO Regional CAB, Cambodia
Oxana Rucsineanu, Society of Moldova against Tuberculosis (SMIT), Global TB CAB, Moldova
Edna Tembo, Coalition of Women Living with HIV/AIDS (COWLHA), Afrocab Regional CAB, Malawi
Rafa Valente, Muleide, Mozambique