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2024 Statements

TAG Statement on 2024 National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD)
February 7, 2024 — In the collective effort to engage, educate, and empower advocates around the ongoing impacts on Black communities, and to raise awareness around persistent and new threats to equitably ending the HIV epidemic, this National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day beckons us to confront the shadows that linger within our communities, specifically…

Health Activist Groups: Defunding UNRWA in Gaza Is an Act of Depravity and Enables a Genocide
January 30, 2024 — We are appalled. As organisations that have historically worked on issues of health justice and access to medicines for millions of people around the world, for decades, focusing on HIV/AIDS, TB, cancer, and COVID, we share the urgent concern and outrage of aid organizations (NGOs) that the sudden decision by global north…

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