You can support TAG through an individual Research in Action Award donation
Nick Debs, Richard A. and Barbara Knowles Debs, and Elizabeth A. Debs
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS
Robert W. Lennon and Mark Gilrain
ViiV Healthcare
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
Kevin and Neil Goetz, Screen Engine/ASI
Marta Heflin Foundation
Latino Commission on AIDS
Richard Lynn and Joseph Evall
Laura Morrison
Jeffrey Schoenfeld
Michael Stipe, in honor of our dear friends
Alejandro Arce, in honor of Ivy Kwan Arce, Sally Cooper, Joseph Sonnabend, and Richard Jeffreys
Ivy Kwan Arce and Alex Arce
Bob Bronzo
Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, in honor of Dr. Asa Radix
John and Mary Duane, in honor of Laura Morrison
Kelsey Louie, in honor of Rob Lennon and Mark Harrington
Robert Monteleone, in honor of Stephanie Cowles and Dan McLean
Dr. Bruce Schackman and Ed Sikov
Mrinal Vikram and Kevin Finnegan
Mark Harrington, in honor of Mercedes Becerra, Guillermo Chacón, Jen Furin, Ivy Kwan Arce, Asa Radix, and Soumya Swaminathan
Glenn Ligon
Jim Aquino, in honor of Bob Bronzo
Jennifer Arfsten
Steve and Cynthia Armstrong
Ama Burnham
David Corkery
Lynda Dee, in honor of Guillermo Chacón, Latino AIDS Commission
Thomas K. Duane
Global Health Strategies
Housing Works
Jameel Jiwani
Jason Kirk and Mark Schatz
Noel E.D. Kirnon and Michael D. Paley, in honor of Rich Lynn
Clay McKnight and Jeff Perri
Mirla and George Morrison, in honor of Laura Morrison
National Coalition of STD Directors
Bruce Pachter, in memory of all those who had no one to mourn for them
Daniel Ptacek
Physique 57
David Puente
Jefferson and Karen Bronzo Rabb, for my brother Bob and his beautiful spirit
Ian Thompson, in honor of Jameel Jiwani
VIR Biotechnology
Blaine Vella, in honor of Dr. Asa Radix – WPATH congratulates you on yet another amazing accomplishment. Thank you, for all you do, every day!
Barry Wolf
Dr. Judith Auerbach
Margot and Robert Bazell
Mary Ann Chaisson, in honor of Dr. Asa Radix
Robert Keith Cheek, in honor of Ivy Kwan Arce
Alan Cumming
Dana Delgardo
Paul Dietz
Dustin Duncan
Jim Eigo
Joy Episalla and Carrie Yamaoka, in honor of all our friends and lovers who fought bravely to end AIDS
Lisa Feldstein
David France
Donna Futterman, in honor of Asa Radix, MD, PhD – physician leader extraordinaire
Linda Gattegno Berghoff, in honor of my good friend Bobby Bronzo
Leslie Asako Gladsjo
NYS Assemblymember Deborah J. Glick
Ron Goldberg and Joe Chiplock
Dr. Amita Gupta
Thao Hong, in honor of Jason Kirk
Lauren Houghton, in honor of Asa Radix
David Izbicki
Jack, for Robert!
Paul Kennedy
Sun Kil, in honor of Bob Bronzo
Babette Krolik
Joseph Lauretano, in honor of Bob Bronzo
Kate Lear & Dr. Jonathan LaPook, in honor of Robert Monteleone
Hassan Leghari
Jay Leitz and Jessica Boyle
Diana Loffredo
Mansueto Ventures
Joseph McConnell & Erik Haagensen
Elaine Mealy, in honor of Robert Monteleone
Meni Melek
Ann Northrop
Kathleen and Patrick O’Leary, in honor of Bob Bronzo
Elif Ongoren
Robert H. Remien
Clifford Richner
Gregory Sargeant, in honor of Team United – Bob Bronzo
David Shaw
Jane Silver
David Sipress
Dr. John Steever
Sunita Viswanath & Stephan Shaw, in honor of our beloved Bob Bronzo!
Forrest Williams Jr.
Rebecca Jordan-Young, in honor of Ivy Kwan Arce and Sally Cooper
Peter K. Zimmer, in memory of James O. Stepp
Alex and Lisa
Jean Anderson, in honor of Bob Bronzo
John Annis, in honor of Ivy Kwan Arce
Anonymous, in honor of Bob Bronzo and Jim Aquino
Mark Ansell
Mercedes Becerra and Salmaan Keshavjee
Jeff Berton
Laura Blair, in honor of Bob Bronzo
Rex Bonomelli, in honor of Jim Aquino
Dan Burke
Beverly Carlton. to our leader . . . Bob Bronzo
Michael Catts, in honor of Jameel Jiwani
Dan Cawley, in honor of Jim Aquino
Donna Chacón
Guillermo Chacón, in memory of Dennis DeLeon
Winsome Ching
Cheryl Clark
Eli Coleman, in honor of Asa Radix
George Cominskie, in honor of Laura Morrison
Roy Cosme, in honor of Dennis deLeon
Debora Daniels, in honor of Bob Bronzo
Yolanda Davidson
Melanie Dubois
Jim Edwards
Shawn Fenwick
Joseph Ferreira
Henry Flowers
Pamela Fornieri, in honor of Bob Bronzo
Michele Farinet, in honor of Carol Bronzo’s son, Bob Bronzo
Dennis Giza, in honor of Rob Lennon
Catherine Gund, in honor of Ivy Kwan Arce
Christin Hinkle
Jonathan Hochhauser
Richard Jefferys, in honor of Nicolas Papacostas
John and Paul, with love to Bob, Jim, and Tamrin
Robert Kahn
Karyn Kaplan, wish I could be there to celebrate TAG’s amazingness!
Jeremiah Johnson, for the amazing TAG team
Kat and Pat, we love you Bob (and TAG)
Dana Katz, in honor of Richard Lynn
Christopher Kauffman, in honor of Rob Lennon
Eric Latzky
Scott Leibowitz, in honor of Dr. Asa Radix
Claire Lennon, in honor of Robert Lennon
Erica Lessem, in honor of the amazing Jen Furin, Mercedes Becerra, and Soumya Swaminathan!
Joseph Lewis
Patrick J. McGovern, congratulations Dr. Radix
Clay McKnight, love you Bob!
Peter Meacher, inspirational work and thank you for highlighting Dr. Asa Radix’s research at Callen-Lorde
James Mealer and Josh Courtney
Kimberly Miller, in honor of Ama Burnham
Linda Monteleone
Elizabeth Nieves
Jeff Perri, Love!
David Rimple
Erica Rosengart
Karen Saltser and Gary Cohen, in honor of Bob Bronzo
Eric L. Sawyer
AnnMari Shannahan, in honor of Robert Monteleone, your commitment to TAG is greatly appreciated!
Karen Shaw
Kimberleigh Smith, Asa Radix rocks! And I ❤ TAG
Wendy Stark
Alicia Stivala, thank you, TAG for always being there providing us with necessary data on HCV/HIV/TB and for honoring Asa, an amazing mentor and pioneer!
Carol Tosone, in honor of Laura Morrison
Mike and Susie Trost, in memory of Carol Bronzo
Christina Trotter
Shue Her-Sturm, in honor of Jeff Perri
Andrew Vernon, in honor of Mark Harrington
Karen Waller, in honor of Bob Bronzo
EJ Weppler
Luke Whittle – Elegran | Forbes Global Properties
Jack Whitescarver
Celeste Wolter Sempere, in honor of Laura Morrison and the rest of the TAG team
Nicole Wright, in honor of Ama Burnham
Miriam Zaitoun
The Legacy Circle is a dedicated group of past RIAA honorees who continue to support the work of TAG through a generous contribution
Ivy Kwan Arce (2021)
Dr. Judith Auerbach (2006)
Lynda Dee (2000)
Thomas K. Duane (2005)
Jim Eigo (2015)
Joseph Evall (2017)
David France (2019)
Donna Futterman (2006)
Amita Gupta (2022)
Charles King (2017)
Erica Lessem (2021)
Laura Morrison (2022)
Ann Northrop (2022)
Bruce R. Schackman (2005)
Jane Silver (2003)
Dr. John B. Steever (2019)
Tom Viola (2000)
Wakefield (2020)
With generous support from our sponsors at the Researcher level and above