Keith Alcorn has written about HIV and its treatment since 1991, when he joined National AIDS Manual, the UK’s community-led information resource on HIV. NAM was founded to provide an independent and objective source of information on HIV and AIDS at a time when misinformation, political censorship and prejudice were rife. NAM launched AIDS Treatment Update and the HIV & AIDS Treatment Directory in 1992. Keith launched the aidsmap website in 1998 and was Senior Editor at NAM between 1998 and 2018. As well as providing extensive information on HIV treatment and prevention, aidsmap became renowned for broadening access to the latest developments in HIV science through its coverage of scientific conferences. Keith also launched NAM’s electronic newsletter HIV & AIDS Treatment in Practice in 2003, providing a forum for best practice in the implementation of HIV treatment and TB/HIV integration.
Aidsmap, as NAM became known, closed suddenly in July 2024 after its board concluded that the organization was no longer viable due to loss of funding.
Since stepping down as Senior Editor of aidsmap in 2018, Keith continued to contribute regularly to aidsmap and works as a consultant to the International AIDS Society. Since 2017, he has taught Modern History at Royal Holloway University of London. His historical research focusses on the relationship between British colonial expansion and the development of British gardens. His forthcoming book, The Empire in the Garden; How Exotic Plants Came to Britain, will be published by Yale University Press in 2027.