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1/4/6×24 Mid-Campaign Report Launch Webinar

  • Dorrit Walsh
On March 27, 2024, the 1/4/6x24 Campaign and the Stop TB Partnership co-hosted a webinar to launch the Campaign’s new report: Getting Better Faster: Delivering on the Promise of New TB Treatments.
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  • Dorrit Walsh
Supporting, Mobilizing, and Accelerating Research for Tuberculosis Elimination (SMART4TB) is a five-year cooperative agreement made possible by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), with the assistance of the American people, that aims to transform tuberculosis (TB) prevention and care.
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Why Hepatitis C Virus Care Remains Inaccessible

  • Dorrit Walsh
This policy brief explores barriers such as the high-burden among marginalized communities, the complicated diagnostic process, and the difficulties of finding the missing millions of people with HCV in most high-burden countries.
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Covers of the two nitrosamines publications on this page.

Nitrosamines and TB Medicines Information Note and Patient FAQs

  • Dorrit Walsh

In 2020, health authorities and drug manufacturers identified a type of chemical impurity called nitrosamines in rifampicin and rifapentine, two essential medicines used in the treatment and prevention of TB. TAG and IMPAACT4TB project partners have developed several materials to…

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