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TAG Mourns the Loss of Dr. Stephaun Elite Wallace

  • Dorrit Walsh
TAG extends our deepest condolences to the family, friends and loved ones of Dr. Stephaun Elite Wallace, PhD, MS. Dr. Wallace was a treasure to all who knew and worked with him, and his legacy of mentorship and community engagement in the HIV research landscape will be felt for generations.
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Covers of the two nitrosamines publications on this page.

Nitrosamines and TB Medicines Information Note and Patient FAQs

  • Dorrit Walsh

In 2020, health authorities and drug manufacturers identified a type of chemical impurity called nitrosamines in rifampicin and rifapentine, two essential medicines used in the treatment and prevention of TB. TAG and IMPAACT4TB project partners have developed several materials to…

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cover of publication, black with white and red text that reads: 35 years of Art fo end AIDS

35 Years of Art to End AIDS Exhibition Catalog

  • Dorrit Walsh
TAG is presenting the exhibition “35 Years of Art to End AIDS” at Melissa Morgan Fine Art in Palm Desert, California, from March 17 through April 7, 2023. This exhibit features selected works form our Limited Art Editions collection.
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1/4/6×24 Campaign Videos

  • Dorrit Walsh

All people affected by TB have a right to benefit from scientific progress and to access the best-available short-course regimens for TB prevention and treatment. The 1/4/6x24 Campaign demands that countries and other duty bearers take action to implement the…

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