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For World TB Day, TB Advocates Demand Universal Access to Shorter, Safer TB Regimens

  • Dorrit Walsh
On March 24, World Tuberculosis (TB) Day offers an opportunity to take stock of global progress against the deadliest disease in human history. This year, we face a sobering reality: since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, rates of TB infection and death are higher than they’ve been since the early 2000s, setting back an already woefully inadequate effort to end the disease.
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1 / 4 / 6 x 24

  • Dorrit Walsh
Inspired by the legacy of Dr. Paul Farmer, the 1 / 4 / 6 x 24 Campaign calls for the “staff, stuff, space, systems and support” necessary to make groundbreaking short-course TB prevention and treatment regimens accessible to all who need them as a human right by the end of 2024.
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For Us By Us: PrEP in Black America

  • Dorrit Walsh
For Us By Us: PrEP in Black America, A Master Plan for HIV Prevention in Black America is a collaborative project from the PrEP in Black America coalition, which includes Treatment Action Group, PrEP4All, AVAC, Atlanta Black Women Leaders on PrEP, Equity & Impact Solutions, iStrive, Positive Impact Health Centers, and Red Hot.
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The Power of PrEP

  • Dorrit Walsh
To mark National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day on February 7, Treatment Action Group (TAG) is co-hosting a webinar “The Power of PrEP” in coalition with PrEP4All, Atlanta Black Women, AVAC, and iStrive.
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Cover of November 2022 TAGline: Reads "TAG at 30" and is an illustration of various protest signs. "Free the Vaccine," "Silence = Death," "Cough Up the TB Money," "Stigma Spreads Disease," etc.

TAGline November 2022

  • Dorrit Walsh
This year’s edition of TAGline commemorates TAG’s 30th anniversary, and these articles explore TAG’s work over the years: what we've accomplished, what we've learned, the continuing obstacles to progress, and what comes next.
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