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Forging A Path to HCV Elimination: Simpler Tests and Affordable Generics

  • Chad Cipiti

In July 2017, 37 treatment activists from 17 countries—including 14 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs)—met with representatives from three generics and three diagnostics companies. This Hepatitis C World Community Advisory Board meeting was an opportunity for activists to present demands…

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Expanding the Use of the TB LAM Test for People with HIV

  • Dorrit Walsh

TAG and partners hosted this webinar on October 3, 2017.  Speakers included Lynette Mabote, AIDS & Rights Alliance for Southern Africa; Lindiwe Mvusi, Department of Health,  Republic of South Africa; Stephen Wanjala, MSF; and Wayne van Gemert, Global Drug Facility.…

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Research Fundamentals for Activists

  • Chad Cipiti

The goal of the Research Fundamentals booklet is to build the research literacy of activists, so they can engage in evidence - based advocacy with: an increased understanding of research concepts, processes and results; an awareness of the value of…

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Childhood TB Advocacy Meeting Presentations

  • Chad Cipiti

On January 5, 2012, TAG held a Childhood TB Federal Advocacy Meeting in Washington, D.C. The meeting was cosponsored by STOP TB, RESULTS/ACTION, the Center for Global Health Policy, and the American Thoracic Society (ATS). Some of the highlights of the…

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