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Cover of Tuberculosis Research Funding Trends 2005-2018

2019 Report on TB Research Funding Trends

  • Dorrit Walsh
TAG’s latest report on global funding for TB research and development (R&D), published in collaboration with the Stop TB Partnership, presents new data on TB R&D funding in 2018 and analyzes trends in funding since 2005.
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Closing the Gap in Tuberculosis Research and Development Funding Briefs

  • Chad Cipiti
In our two briefs, Closing the Gap in Tuberculosis Research and Development Funding: Actions for U.S. Government Executive Agencies and Actions for U.S. Congress, we detail how a funding increase of 0.1 percent, based on "fair share" of research capacity, would close the funding gap in TB R&D, catalyze new public health tools we need to create positive health outcomes among communities vulnerable to TB worldwide.
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Tuberculosis Research at Risk as Big Pharma Shutters Programs

  • Chad Cipiti
Worldwide governments, foundations, and companies invested US$676.7 million in research to develop new drugs, vaccines, and diagnostics against tuberculosis (TB) in 2013—barely one-third of the US$2 billion that experts estimate the world must spend each year to end the global TB epidemic—according to an analysis released today by Treatment Action Group.
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Letter to President Obama on Proposed FY 2013 Budget Cut to PEPFAR

  • Chad Cipiti
As representatives of organizations that advocate for an evidence-based and robust response to global AIDS, we respond to your fiscal year 2013 budget request for the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)—the flagship bilateral AIDS program—with shock and dismay.
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