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Empowering Health, Parts 1 and 2

  • Dorrit Walsh
On May 7 and 21, TAG celebrated Pride season by hosting for an essential webinar that addressed the unique health concerns of the LGBTQ+ community, focusing on engaging LGBTQ patients.
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How Rising Anti-LGBTQ Sentiment Harms Public Health

  • Dorrit Walsh

By Kendall Martinez-Wright, Elizabeth Lovinger, and De’Ashia Lee Many people recognize advances the LGBTQ+ community has made in the United States and other countries, including the freedom to marry their partners, sexual orientation and gender identity protections, and the fact…

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Are We There Yet? TB Preventive Treatment Beyond TB/HIV Integration

  • Dorrit Walsh

By Lynette Mabote-Eyde and Mike Frick Too often, major scientific advancements against tuberculosis (TB) get lost on the long and winding road of policy translation into practice. TB preventive treatment (TPT) has faced decades of dislocation between progressive global World…

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Cover of November 2022 TAGline: Reads "TAG at 30" and is an illustration of various protest signs. "Free the Vaccine," "Silence = Death," "Cough Up the TB Money," "Stigma Spreads Disease," etc.

TAGline November 2022

  • Dorrit Walsh
This year’s edition of TAGline commemorates TAG’s 30th anniversary, and these articles explore TAG’s work over the years: what we've accomplished, what we've learned, the continuing obstacles to progress, and what comes next.
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Storytelling to Support TB Preventive Treatment (TPT)

  • Dorrit Walsh

Storytelling is a tool that can help build understanding, support discussions between members of affected communities and other stakeholders, and aid in the identification of important issues and potential solutions. The storyboards on this page describe the experiences of people…

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