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Research Toward a Cure Trials

  • Dorrit Walsh
A listing of clinical trials and observational studies related to the research effort to cure HIV infection, mainly derived from the online registry. Click the trial registry identifier numbers for a link to the full entry containing detailed information on the trial design, enrollment criteria, principal investigators and location(s).
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Cover of report - HIV Cure research information sheet

HIV Cure Research Information Sheet

  • Dorrit Walsh
Research into curing HIV infection is ever-changing as new discoveries are made and scientists report additional rare — but informative — cases of individuals likely cured of HIV.
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Update on HIV Vaccine Research

  • Dorrit Walsh

Developing an HIV vaccine is a difficult scientific challenge, but remains a critical priority. This handout provides an update on HIV vaccine research and a summary of results from the efficacy trials that have been conducted to date, and it…

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HIV Research Advocacy Fact Sheet

  • Dorrit Walsh

HIV advocacy laid the foundation for much of the work we do today. This handout was developed in collaboration with the Black AIDS Institute, HIV Vaccine Trials Network, and Southern AIDS Coalition. The handout provides a summary of the history…

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