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Cover of investment in HIV research profoundly benefits the COVID-19 Response

Investment in HIV Research Profoundly Benefits the COVID-19 Response

  • Dorrit Walsh
This policy brief discusses how investment in HIV research has profoundly benefitted the COVID-19 response, and advocates that continued financial support for HIV science can both ensure progress on COVID-19 and avoid losing ground—and lives—in the fight to end the HIV epidemic.
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Treatment Action Group Statement on New HIV Remission Case Report at AIDS2020

  • Dorrit Walsh
Yesterday, a widely reported presentation by Ricardo Diaz at the ongoing virtual International AIDS Conference (AIDS2020) disclosed that one out of 30 total participants in an HIV cure-related research trial conducted in Brazil has not experienced an HIV viral load rebound for a little over a year (64.7 weeks) after interrupting antiretroviral therapy (ART).
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Cover of Tuberculosis Research Funding Trends 2005-2018

2019 Report on TB Research Funding Trends

  • Dorrit Walsh
TAG’s latest report on global funding for TB research and development (R&D), published in collaboration with the Stop TB Partnership, presents new data on TB R&D funding in 2018 and analyzes trends in funding since 2005.
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