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Story: American Gene Technologies HIV Gene Therapy

  • Dorrit Walsh

November 2019 Examples of media coverage:  Gene Tech Company Claims to Have Found a Cure for HIV/AIDS – NewNowNext, November 8, 2019 Researchers believe they’ve found the cure for HIV/AIDS – Pink News, November 8, 2019 Research Lab Believes They Have HIV/AIDS Cure – Instinct Magazine,…

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Statement on U.S. FDA Report Highlighting Gaps in Pediatric Research

  • Chad Cipiti
Treatment Action Group (TAG) welcomes a report released last week by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that highlights urgent gaps in pediatric research. This report confirms that we are missing critical information necessary to treat children affected by orphan diseases.
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Story: HIV Eliminated from the Genomes of Living Animals

  • Dorrit Walsh

July 2019 Examples of media coverage:  For the First Time, Researchers Eliminated HIV From the Genomes of Living Animals – TIME, July 2, 2019 Scientists eliminate HIV in the entire genome of lab mice for the first time ever: Breakthrough paves the…

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Closing the Gap in Tuberculosis Research and Development Funding Briefs

  • Chad Cipiti
In our two briefs, Closing the Gap in Tuberculosis Research and Development Funding: Actions for U.S. Government Executive Agencies and Actions for U.S. Congress, we detail how a funding increase of 0.1 percent, based on "fair share" of research capacity, would close the funding gap in TB R&D, catalyze new public health tools we need to create positive health outcomes among communities vulnerable to TB worldwide.
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Story: Claims that “Gammora” Represents a Potential HIV Cure

  • Dorrit Walsh

October – November 2018 Examples of media coverage:  HIV cure? Major breakthrough made in eradicating deadly virus: ‘Beyond our expectations’  – Daily Star, November 1, 2018 New drug could cure HIV/Aids – Uganda Daily Monitor, November 7, 2018 Maker of ‘potential HIV…

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