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Statement on U.S. FDA Report Highlighting Gaps in Pediatric Research

  • Chad Cipiti
Treatment Action Group (TAG) welcomes a report released last week by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that highlights urgent gaps in pediatric research. This report confirms that we are missing critical information necessary to treat children affected by orphan diseases.
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Research Priorities for Pediatric Tuberculosis

  • Chad Cipiti
This document (not a TAG publication) presents an overview of paediatric TB research efforts already underway and their limitations; and highlights priorities for future research initiatives in epidemiology, basic science, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and operational research.
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TAGline Spring 2018

  • Chad Cipiti
Bend the Curves: Incremental change—activism that successfully defends or advances critical research or policy—can sometimes feel inconsequential, particularly when it is hard won, resource intensive, and intangible.
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